Month: April 2017

Nomad Bioscience and Icon Genetics sign broad cross-license agreement

Munich, March 15, 2012 — NOMAD Bio­science GmbH, Munich, Ger­many (NOMAD) and its whol­ly owned sub­sidiary Icon Genet­ics GmbH, Munich, Ger­many (ICON) have entered into a broad cross-licen­s­ing agree­ment. NOMAD has acquired ICON from Bay­er Inno­va­tion GmbH on Decem­ber 31, 2011. Dur­ing 1999–2012 since its incor­po­ra­tion, ICON has devel­oped a num­ber of plant-based man­u­fac­tur­ing tech­nolo­gies.… Read more »

Nomad Bioscience enters into comprehensive agreement with Bayer Innovation

Munich, Jan­u­ary 12, 2012 — NOMAD Bio­science GmbH, Munich, Ger­many (NOMAD) has entered into a series of agree­ments with Bay­er Inno­va­tion GmbH, a Bay­er AG sub­sidiary. The agree­ments include, among oth­ers, the pur­chase of Icon Genet­ics GmbH (ICON), Bay­er Innovation’s sub­sidiary, by NOMAD. NOMAD acquires all shares in ICON and ancil­lary assets, there­by tak­ing over… Read more »

Bayer starts clinical Phase I study with personalized vaccine from tobacco plants Idiotype vaccination in the treatment of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Lev­erkusen, Jan­u­ary 28, 2010 — The trans­fer into clin­i­cal devel­op­ment of a patient-spe­­cif­ic vac­cine rep­re­sents a mile­stone for Bay­er Inno­va­tion GmbH. Fol­low­ing approval of the Phase I study by the FDA (Food & Drug Admin­is­tra­tion) in the Unit­ed States, the vac­cine is now being test­ed in human sub­jects. This is the first time that pro­teins… Read more »

Pilot plant for future-oriented technology opens in Halle

Lev­erkusen / Halle ”Med­i­c­i­nal prod­ucts from plants or even tobac­co for health” a vision that could soon become real­i­ty. Bay­er and its sub­sidiary Icon Genet­ics have togeth­er devel­oped a new pro­duc­tion process that can be used to pro­duce biotech drugs in tobac­co plants. A new pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty for ther­a­peu­tic pro­teins was inau­gu­rat­ed on June 16… Read more »

Icon Genetics and Bayer CropScience publish milestone paper about the production of antibodies in plants

Halle, Ger­many and Gent, Bel­gium Icon Genet­ics GmbH, a whol­ly owned sub­sidiary of Bay­er Inno­va­tion GmbH, and Bay­er Bio­Science NV, a Bel­gian sub­sidiary of Bay­er Crop­Science announce the pub­li­ca­tion in Pro­ceed­ings of the Nation­al Acad­e­my of Sci­ences of the USA (A. Gir­itch et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, pnas. 0606631103, Sep­tem­ber 2006) of the… Read more »

Bayer acquires Icon Genetics AG

Lev­erkusen, Ger­many Bay­er Inno­va­tion GmbH (BIG), a sub­sidiary of the Bay­er Group engaged in devel­op­ing new fields of busi­ness, has acquired Icon Genet­ics AG, a biotech com­pa­ny head­quar­tered in Munich, Ger­many. Icon Genet­ics dis­cov­ers inno­v­a­tive meth­ods for the devel­op­ment and use of engi­neered plants. Bay­er and Icon Genet­ics are already coop­er­at­ing on research. The acqui­si­tion… Read more »