Month: August 2017

Denka Completes the Acquisition of Icon Genetics GmbH, a German Bio-Pharmaceutical R&D Company, Making It a Wholly Owned Subsidiary

Den­ka Com­pa­ny Lim­it­ed (head­quar­ters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; pres­i­dent: Man­abu Yamamo­to; here­inafter “Den­ka”) here­by announces that on August 21, 2017 it had com­plet­ed the process of acquir­ing 100% of the shares of Icon Genet­ics GmbH (head­quar­ters: Halle, Sach­sen-Anhalt, Ger­many; CEO: Kazuyu­ki Hiru­ta; here­inafter “Icon”). As pre­vi­ous­ly announced on August 7, 2015 via a press release titled “Announce­ment… Read more »